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Hello, I'm 220lvl ms, usually hunting spectres for level, I am however getting sick of this spawn, so I am looking for alternatives in TH.

Back in the days the best way for PG was grim reapers in drefia/yalahar, I was wondering whether it's still worth going there in TH and if so what level could I make there?

1 Answer

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by (464 points)

Hello Ellotris Guardian, first of all sorry for my English, 

Ill try to explain this very easily.

I will give u 2 examples and u can decide what is better! 

How to Calculate?

First of all we will comparate in all this examples  HP/EXP and after having this relation, we will calculate making, x Damage, how many exp u can get.

Example 1:  Gazer Spectre - 4.500hp/4.200Exp     Relation  If u hit 1hp, u will win 0,9333.. Exp 
After having this relation we will compare if we will hunt this monters monotarget or Aoe (area damage), and how many monters u can get in a particular respawn. 
And after it we will calculate what monster is better for hunt, (for sure, only looking for exp).

New monsters:

     Adult goana: 
 8.300hp // 6.650exp       Relation: 0,8 exp/hitpoint        AOE (normal hunt máx: 45/70 mobs)

     Ripper Spectre:  3800hp // 3500exp     Relation: 0,92 exp/hitpoint      AOE (normal hunt x: 10/15 mobs
      Burster Spectre:  6500hp // 6000exp    Relation: 0.923 Exp/hitpoint   AOE (normal hunt x: 8/15 mobs)

      Werehyena: 2700hp // 2200 exp            Relation: 0.81 exp/hitpoint     AOE (normal huntx:15/20 mobs)

Old monters:

  Dragon lord:
1900hp // 2100exp      Relation: 1.1 exp/hitpoint     
MONOTARGET (normal hunt) // AOE (POI max10/12)
  Grim reaper:  3900hp // 5500exp     Relation: 1.41 exp/hitpoint    MONOTARGET (normal hunt) // AOE (Drefia max 4/5)
  Wyrm: 1825hp // 1550exp                Relation:  0.84 Exp/hitpoint   MONOTARGET (normal hunt) // AOE (Drefia max 8/12)


Old Monsters can seem are good for exp, cause theyr relations are little highers than new monsters, but remember this relation are EXP WIN / 1 HITPOINT. 
As u can see on the last part of the comparation, many new monsters can be hunted in aoe damage, with big lures and big amount of monsters while other old monters was designed for being killed 1by1 or making little lures. 

Comparating 1 turn in drefia, with GFB atacking 3/4/5 Monters with a damage of 350 aprox. 

3 GRIMS - 350x3= 1050x1.41 = 1480exp - That means 1 Gfb to 3 mobs will give u 1480 experience points

4 GRIMS - 350x4= 1400x1.41 = 1974exp - That means 1 Gfb to 4 mobs will give u 1974 experience points
5 GRIMS - 350x5= 1750x1.41 = 2467exp - That means 1 Gfb to 5 mobs will give u 2467 experience points

If u compare other places like Cathedral as duo, flimsy solo, or goannas, u get something like this. 

Bursters Spectre with ek

8 BURSTERS - 350x8= 2800x0,923 = 2584 + EK TURN (he will probably hit more to only 8 monsters) - TOTAL 2584 EXP / GFB
12 BURSTERS - 350x12= 4200x0,923 = 3876 + EK TURN (he will only hit 8 monsters) - TOTAL 3786 EXP/GFB

If u finally compare the biggest lure of old monsters: 

5 GRIMS - 350x5= 1750x1.41 = 2467exp - That means 1 Gfb to 5 mobs will give u 2467 experience points

with medium lures on new respawns 

12 BURSTERS - 350x12= 4200x0,923 = 3876 + EK TURN (he will only hit 8 monsters) - TOTAL 3786 EXP/GFB

Makes an insane diferent after 1200+ Gfb/h

5 grims - 2467 exp/gfb - after 1200 gfb - 2.960.400 exp
12 Bursters - 3786 Exp/gfb - after 1200 gfb  4.543.200 Exp

As my personal experience (RP 1040 + ED 830+ both hand leveled) i feel like new areas are better just cause are prepared for make insane lures and kill monters 30by30 and not 3/4 by 3/4. 

I hope my answer helped someone! 

Greetings, Gleemody 
