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I know that black knight can be done daily every 3min, and Bibby Bloodbath every 24h if he appears. Is there any other?

by (1,874 points)
Maybe Ekatrix. She's part of the The Tainted Souls Quest. TibiaWiki says premium is not required, while TibiaWiki.com.br says it is. Unfortunately I don't have any Free Account char that I can use to test.
by (17,406 points)
any level?
by (1,874 points)
Yes. But you will face some creatures, such as Tainted Souls, Toads, Witches and Gloom Wolves. Recommended Level 30+.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (7,037 points)
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Daily bosses on free area:

by (328 points)
Nice post. However, it has a small issue. Bibby cooldown is 24 hours: https://www.tibiaqa.com/14792/bibby-bloodbath-have-cooldown-or-limited-amount
by (7,037 points)
Thanks for the advice! EDITED!
by (1,142 points)
Dharalion and Zevelon are not daily bosses.
by (7,037 points)
I know, is just the most close range time frame to find bosses on free area. That's why I added the time frame.