+1 vote
by (441 points)
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Some bosses as we know appear with monsters (for example yaga the crone spawns with witches) and the question is:

Do creatures that spawn with a boss disappear after some time if not killed when the boss is killed?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (1,558 points)

Creatures summoned via raids will eventually disappear if not killed, normally at the same time as the boss itself.

Here's an example, The Horned Fox, using the leaked files from version 7.7:

# Ort: Im Unterschlupf des Horned Fox, südwestlich von Kazordoon

# Monster: Horned Fox (besonderer Minotaur Guard)

Delay     = 0

Position  = [32462,31954,4]

Spread    = 2

Race      = 202

Count     = (1,1)

Lifetime  = 7200

# Message   = "The horned fox is in his lair."

# Ort: Im Unterschlupf des Horned Fox, südwestlich von Kazordoon

# Monster: 2 Minotaur Guards

Delay     = 0

Position  = [32462,31954,4]

Spread    = 3

Race      = 29

Count     = (2,2)

Lifetime  = 7200

In this case the parameter "Lifetime" sets the duration of the raided creatures in seconds, meaning The Horned Fox and its 'summons' will disappear after 2 hours if nobody kills them.

by (2,216 points)
I wouldn't be so sure about that. A lot has changed since that leak. Before the introduction of the bosstiary, I checked the rare bosses and many times I had a situation to meet the monsters alone without a boss. For example, the War Wolves from the Big Bad One raid or the Banshee from the Dibilis the Fair raid. At the same time the Boss was not killed but puffed. So some monsters definitely exist longer than their bosses. I just don't know if they live until the end of the server save because that would have to be checked somehow, and I haven't researched that. However, I suspect that this type of monsters does not disappear.
by (441 points)
Well, I won't be that sure also, first most highly wanted bosses are bosses since tibia 8.2 and leak was quite earlier and second I feel like you don't have any idea about it if you say they dissappear with bosses because most of them not. Like Mogh said for example war wolves on big bad or witches on yaga, warlocks on zarabustor or even lizards on zao (for example chosens on ghastly dragons spot). And I know they don't dissappear because I've seen it multiple times
by (17,404 points)
maybe this isnt for all bosses?