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When attempting to open dark grounds me and my friends started doing Soothing Bad Dreams task.
While I have obtained "You see strange good night songs (Def:0)." my friend was given Eerie song book instead and cannot get the Good night songs anymore.
He is able to soothe the dreams like all of us but he is unable to get the rewards.
by (5,318 points)
Ehy- as per Tibia Wiki BR the rewards are collected in different place- "Depending on your luck, you'll receive one of two books to play the lullaby song with: Eerie Song Book Eerie Song Book.gif or Strange Good Night Songs Strange Good Night Songs.gif . Depending on the book you receive, the location to collect the reward will be different." Please check if he will be able to retrieve items from second location marked on the quest legend (see link below, just translate page to English;)

I hope this will help.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (620 points)


For this task called Soothe Bad Dreams you can get 2 different types of books when you learn the song with the 3 flowers:

1 - Strange Good Night Songs (with a blue cover like an atlas).
2 - Eerie Song Book (looks like the witches' grimoire).

When you finish the task, your reward's location will vary depending on which book you received, as the image below:

Photos of Eerie Song Book's location:

Photo of the Strange Good Night Songs' location:
