+8 votes
by (1,528 points)
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One of my friends is daltonic, and I would like to know if there are any accessibility features in-game for daltonic people.

Thank you!
by (781 points)
I would like to add that I believe this may make an excellent suggestion towards CIP. I have a friend who plays with Daltonism and certain tasks are very difficult for him as he struggles with Reds and Greens. The team I do bosses/tasks with all hang out in a discord with him and call out directions when he needs assistance.
by (1,528 points)
Yes, the funny thing is we just found out not long ago he had daltonism. He was managing amazingly and we have no idea how hahaha but still I agree it would be a great improvement opportunity for Cipsoft
by (122 points)
My husband is daltonic and always has problems in some quest (like the part of the underground room with colors in krailos, or the access to mini boss in Dark Torture Seal from ferumbras ascendant).
He also has trouble distinguishing rings like the dwarven ring and the energy ring.
I'm afraid the game doesn't have any tools to help you with that.
by (5,689 points)
totally agree with @Libi! it's amazing idea.

2 Answers

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by (781 points)
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Best answer
After looking through the tibia website as well as the graphic settings in game, I do not see anything that specifically help players with daltonism. My best suggestion to your friend is to either play with friends who will help distinguish certain colors for tasks that require color precision or even daltonic glasses to help game play.
by (2,426 points)
The so called glasses for colorblindness do not work, they are mostly scams. In some cases they can seem to make a difference in color shades but they will definitely not "fix" colorblindness and make a colorblind person see as others do.
by (781 points)
The glasses were only a suggestion to potentially help as stated in my answer above. As a person who works in the ophthalmic field there are studies that for some color blindness there are glasses that can help (not fix) the issue of color perception. My recommendation was simply that the glasses could help. With that being said, there are companies that do not have any proven science behind their products. I would do research on what best suits the individual and talk with an Optomestrist and/or Opthalmalogist about what steps should be taken.
by (2,426 points)
I understand, but I just wanted to point out that the glasses are scams. As a colorblind myself and a chemist that works with spectroscopy quite often I was often skeptical about them, and in fact there have been several scientific papers demonstrating how they have no benefit at all. For example: https://opg.optica.org/oe/viewmedia.cfm?uri=oe-26-22-28693&html=true

Because of that I always make sure to point this out whenever I see anyone mentioning these glasses since they are a scam and the videos that show people using them are obvious fictional/paid marketing strategies to sell extremely expensive colored pieces of plastic.
0 votes
by (101 points)
unfortunately there are no tools or resources within the Tibia client. if he wants to play, he will need something external, like special glasses