+2 votes
by (21 points)
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Hey guys.

As in the title. Is this quest even close to being doable by casual player?

100 Vampire Lord Tokens means 100 killed vampire bosses. Should I even bother?
by (1,534 points)
is possible, not worth at all as a main goal tho.  either takes too much money or time, unless u were an achievement hunter this isn't really something that will provide you a benefit rather than an achievement an access to a really expensive zone under vengoth.
by (1,142 points)
I edited the question for more clarity.

2 Answers

+4 votes
by (61 points)

You don't need to kill vampire lords, you can just buy 100 tokens and give them to the npc.

the rewards are:

image Blood skull.

imageVampire doll.

imageAchievement "Razing!".

imageRequirements for achievement "Castlemania"

        Access to a secret floor in Vengoth, "https://tibiamaps.io/map#32951,31460,9:2"

by (1,534 points)
worth mentioning how much average cost is the token, in seanera these cost 450k Ea, that mean 45kk if u buy them all.
by (21 points)
Sure, know about this. However the price is around 700k here on Bona.
Anyway, I am more willing to do it by myself than buying it.
+1 vote
by (328 points)
This quest is not for casual players. You would need thousands of hours to kill 100 rare vampire bosses, which is even harder nowadays to find them alive with the bosstiary feature (lots of people checking them daily). And the reward is just access to a very small area in Vengoth and achievement points.

This quest is done only by achievement hunters and you need something like 70kk-120kk of gold to buy all of the tokens. Even if you have the money, you need to wait many weeks because it takes a lot of time for a server to "produce" those tokens and there are always multiple people per server trying to collect them.
by (122 points)
I think it doesn't matter that he is a casual player, if he doesn't need the money that the vampire lord token is worth, he can wait until he complete the 100, even if it takes time, one day he will get the rewards.