+1 vote
by (5,689 points)

I wonder what is the chance of vampire dusting? Is there the same chance with every vampire or does it depend on the type?

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (233 points)
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Vampire dusting depend on the type.

Chance for vampire dustingimage :

VampireDusting Vampire, 1116 trials.

ItemAmountPercentageTries to get 1
Nothing Nothing105294.27%2
Vampire Dust Vampire Dust645.73%18

Vampire BrideDusting Vampire Bride, 659 trials.

ItemAmountPercentageTries to get 1
Nothing Nothing62594.84%2
Vampire Dust Vampire Dust345.16%20

Vampire ViscountDusting Vampire Viscount, 202 trials.

ItemAmountPercentageTries to get 1
Nothing Nothing19295.05%2
Vampire Dust Vampire Dust104.95%21
by (2,271 points)
I'll probably get downvoted for this but I dont think these trials can conclusively say that your chance of getting dust from a Vampire differs from type to type.  The samples are different  sizes and and the last two (Vampire Bride and Vampire Viscount) could well fall within the margin of error for being the same as the first (Vampire)

I think a larger sample size for both Vampire Bride and Vampire Viscount is needed before we can say the chance of dusting is different between types of Vampires
by (5,689 points)
you're right, the difference is too small and so... the same. However, the answer is correct.