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by (5,796 points)

During the big event that occurred to celebrate the 25th Tibia's, players were able to collect Theons.

Nowadays, Theons cannot be collected. But if you conquered any amount of Theon during the 25th Tibia's Anniversary, you are eligible to ask for a gift with NPC Theodora. She lives right next to the entrance of the Thaian Castle in the city of Thais. When facing the entrance with the two fountains, turn right and find her next to a red "25" balloon.


Knowing all of that, I would like to know: What are the rarest items that we may get from her? I see a lot of expensive items given by her, but which items are actually rare and should be acquired with Theons? 

Remember that we had the chance to get a lot of items during the event (like foods and the Changing Backpack), all of them were widely distributed and accessible on market, but Theodora has a lot of items that we couldn't get in any other manner during the event, like balloons and some special boxes... 

I want to know what the rarest ones are to be invested with Theons.

Reference: Theodora - Tibia Wiki

by (5,796 points)
edited by
Just found this forgotten question which may be a little bit similar to what I asked - But keep in mind that a good chunk people got the big reward boxes, which made some items like the 25 Years Backpack less rare even though is a very expensive item. I believe that my question still has a place here.


2 Answers

+1 vote
by (25 points)
I think the dragon kit and the rainbow torch are the ones, they need to much theons to get em, i just got a torch, the dragon kit its to expensive >.<
+1 vote
by (1,058 points)
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Best answer

The rarity of the rewards depends on how easy would be possible to obtain the items during the event.

That said, I can resume by saying that almost every item could be easily obtained during the mini-events played during the anniversary, except for:

changing backpack, 25 years backpack, rainbow torch and lucky dragon kit.

Between those 4 items, changing backpack is the only one you can still obtain nowadays, though is a rare loot from Lord Retro, so let's put it on the 4th place.

Between the top 3, the 25 years backpack was the easiest to obtain, since you only needed to kill Lord Retro one time during the event in order to be elligible to that reward.

And from the most difficult ones, you would need 17,197 points to buy a rainbow torch (you lose immediately 7197 when you ask her for a reward, in order to automatically gets one 25 years backpack) and 57,197 points to buy a lucky dragon kit.

So, in resume, the order would be:

1 - Lucky Dragon Kit

2 - Rainbow Torch

3 - 25 years backpack

4 - Changing backpack
by (5,796 points)
Sweet! That was a good answer. Also, if you are good with this subject, knowing exactly what kind of surprise box and carpets can only be get with Theons would be pretty cool too in the question that I left in my comment above :)