+2 votes
by (5,689 points)
all sources say you need the best of each armor type for the achievement, but maybe this works for other rusted parts as well?

5 Answers

+3 votes
by (1,558 points)

I don't know where you read that but in order to achieve "Lucky Devil" you need to fish a Leviathan's Amulet from a water elemental or a massive water elemental, and unrust a golden armor from a slightly rusted armor.

No legs or shields are needed.

Source: TibiaWiki

by (5,689 points)
i know about amulet. just think that maybe someone checked way with other rusted items.
+1 vote
by (101 points)

Nop. In addition to fishing a Leviathan's Amulet from a water elemental or a massive water elemental, you should also get Golden Armor from rusted armor. So legs/helmets/shields don't count

by (5,689 points)
i know about amulet. just think that maybe someone checked way with other rusted items. are you sure?
+1 vote
by (781 points)
The achievement specifies needing to un-rust a slightly rusted armor and acquire a golden armor as well as fishing a leviathan amulet from a water elemental or massive water elemental. Unrusting a helmet and getting a royal helmet does not apply to this achievement, however it does apply to the polisher achievement (successfully unrusting 1000 rusty pieces).
+1 vote
by (170 points)


To get this achievement you need to fish a Leviathan's Amulet from the corpse of a Water Elemental or Massive Water Elemental AND unrust a Golden Armor out of a Slightly Rusted Armor.

As the spoiler clearly says: You need to unrust "Slightly Rusted Armor", the Rusted Armor, Rusted legs, Rusted helmet, Rusted Shield and any other Rusted item aren't useful to get the achievement.

Why is this?

"That's almost too much luck for one person. If something's really, really rare - it probably falls into your lap sooner or later. Congratulations!"

I think that, what are you asking, is to know if there an easiest way to get this achievement, but I don't think there is one, it's meant to be for the luckiest ones. :c



+1 vote
by (126 points)


I  already make this achivement, I get the leviathans amulet firts,  Then I  with luck it I unrust  a Royal Helmet, and it doesnt count for the achivement. It was later on when I unrust a Golden Armor that I get the achivement. 

So With a personal experience I can tell you that the only way to get the achivement  "Lucky Devil"  is to  fish a Leviathan's Amulet from a water elemental or a massive water elemental, and unrust a golden armor from a slightly rusted armor.
