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by (1,058 points)
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I'm always doing the warzones tasks and the teleport found on southwest of -1 floor of the spores task intrigues me.

First I was afraid of entering it, since I was low level. But yesterday I tried entering and the following message appeared:

"There is nothing interesting for you... right now" (or something similar). So my curiosity increased. Is there any quest linked to this teleport? Or it is a teleport without a function implemented yet?
by (1,534 points)
that's the portal for the abomination boss, only works when there the boss is alive i think, the fact is that such boss is really hard to kill and i think the mini bosses too
by (1,058 points)
Thanks a lot for the answer. I had the same doubt about cyclopolis behe's, but now I know that there is another portal there.
by (2,208 points)
Why don't you make it an answer Anubora?
by (1,534 points)
Cuz a better answer could/should be developed out of it explaining the quest and where all these portals are and stuff, yet im too lazy to do something like that, so a comment with half answer is better.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (1,212 points)

As @Anubora says, that teleport belongs to the World Boss Abomination, but it's only active when he is alive and that happens 2 times per year. 

There are 10 teleports to Abomination lairs all around Tibia. You don't have to worry about face the Abomination alone or something like that because that teleports actually leads to a Mini Boss and if the Mini Boss is alive, you will notice that all the map outside the teleport will be different, full of lava. 

If you want to check more, the name of that quest is: Eternal Hate World Raid 

