+1 vote
by (5,730 points)
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At Adventurer's Guild have a NPC Charos, that can provides 5 teleport chance to teleport us to another city that we choice, but I wonder There is a limit of level to use this help?

For example I use on my MS 60, But High levels 700 can use this too?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (5,689 points)
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It seems to me that this NPC gives the possibility of transport 5 times to all players who create accounts from 9.80 (when npc appeared). 

Example: My druid (this char made years ago) on 140lvl can use this service, my friend on 166lvl can use too, but my character is at level 375 and although I have never used these teleports, it has been around since 2007 and npc tells me that:

Charos: Sorry friend, but you are no longer eligible for my travelling services.

15:13 Dzik Dudzik [209]: 15:13 Charos: I can attune you to a city of your choice. If you step to the teleporter here you will not appear in the city you came from as usual, but the city of your choice. Is it what you wish?

it's still possible for 200+ lvl.

edit * i will check this for 250+ and 300+

by (5,730 points)
Hi Tynusiiaa.

Do you know if this answer from charos "Charos: Sorry friend, but you are no longer eligible for my travelling services." Is cuz the lvl or for the char antique?
by (5,689 points)
I do not know yet. I don't have a character in this level range to check for 250 and 300 level :(
by (5,523 points)
I was just thinking about this today and saw you already asked the question. Did you ever follow up and test it at higher levels?
by (5,689 points)
i don't have chars with these lvls :<