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by (5,046 points)
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When a red skull player dies, even having all the blessings, he loses all his set, bp and blessings (all but the twist of date blessings), no Matter if he dies by creature or by player.

But what about the experience? Does he lose the same experience than any other player does when dying "full blessed"?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (283 points)
I took a look on TibiaWiki and I did not see nothing about a death penalty increased with red skull or black skull.
+1 vote
by (75 points)
Skull doesn't  affect the amount of lost experience, so black skull will lose same amont as the white one.
by (5,046 points)
And when you die PvP? You lose the experience u would be losing normaly in PvP (with twist) or like you were dying by creature?