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I would like to ask if it is worth to upgrade Falcon Bow in tiers? From tier 0 to 1, and then next?

Or better to invest those money in skills? (I am almost fully equipped, missing only alicorn things, but you know.. not now xD )

Is there any real comparison?

by (328 points)
I did the math a couple of times and saw others doing similar math. I don't have a source now, but my conclusion and theirs was: it is not worth to use the forge for weapons that are not BiS. The damage increase is not enough to be over the BiS weapon and adding more tiers will make it so expensive that it is better to buy the BiS without tiers. Regarding armors, it can be useful to have non-BiS armor with tiers depending on the armor (e.g.: elven mail).
For me, i see no reason to buy Soulbleeder. It costs so much, and upgrade is ... very low
by (328 points)
I agree that the Soulbleeder is very expensive, but the damage increase is very significant per gold spent, while the tiers have a very low damage increase per gold spent. Sorry for not giving you the numbers, but you can do the math yourself. Look into the damage formulas in tibia wiki (English version) and the stats of both of the weapons (additional critical in soubleeder and fatal damage in falcon T1 or T2).
It depends on your budget. The falcon bow tiered up to tier 5 will be still worse than soulbleeder tier 0. On the other hand, the falcon bow is so cheap you can tier it by fuse (no need to make cheaper items and transfer as it won't pay off).

So in general, if you're unable to invest 300kk+ to buy soulbleeder, just to tier up the falcon bow to tier 1 might be an option just to enable onslaught as the cost is approx 2 times the price of falcon bow + 4kk for fuse and extra exaltation cores (so should be around 45-50kk for falcon bow tier 1 on most of the worlds).

It might be hard to sell that bow later though if you decide on buying soulbleeder :-).

Also, please take a notice that 1 tier on a weapon will give you approximately the equivalence of 1 skill, so if your skills are cheaper than tier, then go for skills first.

1 Answer

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by (15 points)
A famous youtuber (Dorival) just did the test for himself and the results was that anything tier4 > is worth it.
But, he is an EK. I don't have the math but i think soulbleeder t0 > falcon t4.
Just spend money on forge if you have all the equipament you need and skills are to hight of a cost to lvl up, imo.