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by (14 points)
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I am new as a mage. Is the raiments (firemind, earthmind) worth it?

I'm asking because I have a swan feather cloak and it is more effective against earth (12% vs 8 of earthmind)

I wanted to hunt in banuta so the arm (12 to 15) makes that difference?

2 Answers

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by (2,116 points)
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Hi, a sorcerer player here. It is worth it, although swan feather cloak gives you a higher protection against earth which might seem better, the Earthmind Raiment also gives you +4 Ml which I consider way better than having a slightly better stat for elemental protection that you can just cope with amulets. Also having the 15 armor protection is better than having none with the Swan Feather cloak. Hydras deal over 268 melee damage and Medusas 450 so you really can use that protection, specially if you're a low level as hydras paralize a lot and they can really deal a considerable amount of damage in groups such as the ones you can find in Banuta respawn. Overal the raiment is better since it will allow you to deal more damage (From the +4ml) and protect youself from melee while adding elemental protection against the damage all these creatures do. Consider gearing up the right way since this respawn can be quite tricky without the correct items. Some of the items I would suggest are: Gill legs, Earthmind Raiment, garlic necklaces as the Serpent spawns and Medusas have a considerable amount of life drain OR risk it and take Terra amulets, Mana leech and crit imbues for helmet and wand, Pair of Dreamwalker (if you can't get those just get terra boots)
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by (181 points)

raiments dont have imbue slots for leech which makes living armor and bearskin better.

raiment is better than swan cloak because of the mlvl bonus.

extra earth protection is easy to get through brain in a jar, shoulder plate, dreamwalkers, gill legs and theurgic amulet, so raiments 8% doesnt really matter.

by (14 points)
I didn't see the bear skin before: better arm, ml +4, earth + 11% and 1 slot, it's way better than raiment :o