+1 vote
by (7,047 points)
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If you wear a set who give you a lot protection to a element and also wear an Amulet/Ring with charges what give you protection to the same element when you got damage the charges reduced?

By example: If you have full Terra Protection Set, step on Poison Field and don't take any damage by the protection of the set. If you also wear a Terra Amulet and walk on the Position Field are the charges reduced?
by (17,410 points)
Hello, having trouble understanding but did you mean- If you wear an elemental protection set and also an amulet/ring with charges when you get damage are the charges still reduced?
by (7,047 points)
If the set prevent you the all damage by walking in a Field and you wear amulet/ring the charges still reduced.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (142 points)
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This is very easy to be checked. I've just put terra mantle and cobra crown on my 60ed and went to Darashia wasp tower to get poisoned - it was reducing all te incoming earth dot from poison. 

Then I put terra amulet on - next poison ticks were not reducing the charges on amulet. It seems that permanent items stats are being count before the temporary ones. Please correct me if it works different in some other cases.

by (5,523 points)
I remembered this question today and checked with a Protection amulet against bleed damage over time and had the same result. If I would take no damage without the amulet on no charges were reduced once I equipped it.