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by (15 points)
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Since rare drops are very much luck based, which boss can boost my income?

Counting only equipment loot which can be sold to NPCs.
by (1,534 points)
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Beside i understand why it was closed, were interesting to know in which boss were okay to use equipment slot to generate gold, most of the valuable income from bosses comes from Valuables/Gold/CP, rather than from equipment (valuable items sold to player doesn't bring any income to the game, but rather share it), if the OP reformulate the idea were a total different question and imo, really worth.

1 Answer

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by (15 points)
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Best answer
Surprisingly the highest sellable equipment drops from the Darashia Werelion bosses. Dropping items like magic plate armors, jade hammers or skull helmets is very common.

The average loot per boss kill is around 10-15k each with most of it being equipment.

Using your boss slot on these on low level or new servers provides a more reliable income source.
by (2,426 points)
Would be better if you had any data to back this up. Without it, it looks like that's your guess, but not that you actually kept track of the loot obtained by many (or all) possible bosses.

You can actually use TibiaWiki's loot statistics for that in a similar way we did this: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Creatures_by_Average_Loot_Value
by (15 points)
This is problematic, since the boss slot only provides eqipment bonus, also this only counts for daily bosses. Some normal bosses have better average yield with this like Annihilion or Ushuriel.
by (2,426 points)
It doesn't mean it can't be done. You just have to analyze the data correctly and take that into account.