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by (398 points)
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We have different examples of NPC love and storylines relating to it in Tibia, but is there any of homosexual love? Is the topic touched in any of the stories even if it's not actual existing NPCs? Be it between humans or between other races.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (5,318 points)
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The only thing so far which comes to my mind is the story about The Medusa and the Blind Maiden. The book describes relationship between Medusa (Npc Alyxo) and visually impaired Maiden ( Npc Narsai). It is an illusion to the book written by Bryn Estelle. 

*This book tells the story of a medusa who falls in love with a blind woman. Neither the medusa nor the young woman are mentioned by name but the story has a familiar ring.*

by (398 points)
A book is more subtle than I was expecting! I thought we would have something more "important" but I could not think of anything myself. Nice one :D
by (328 points)
CipSoft, as a company, tries to "play safe" and avoid polemic topics. That's why they don't introduce characters with black skin color. They are afraid of dealing with racists and banning people. Also, regarding same sex love, same sex marriage is allowed in Tibia, so that's their way of supporting.
by (594 points)
I'm actually happy that so far this is one normal game that doesn't connect itself to the real life.