+1 vote
by (934 points)
Since the hog head is listed as addon 1 on the Falconer Outfit, I'm wondering if you have to get that one first or if you can choose the quiver as your first instead.

2 Answers

+5 votes
by (934 points)
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Best answer

Finally gained the points to try it and can now confirm that you can choose to get addon 2 first.

–2 votes
by (170 points)
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None spoiler of this task specify about it sad I'm happy that you could get the addon that you wanted first would be nice if the spoiler is edit and someone could add that information too.

Spoiler info:


by (934 points)
I have tried it now and that's not true in this case.
Fortunately I was able to get the second addon, with the quiver first ^^
by (170 points)
Good to know, I search for all the transcripts and non of it said anything about that, I'm glad you could prove it, congrats for your new addon.
by (934 points)
Thanks Eve!