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by (328 points)

I was searching for "shovel" in Cyclopedia and found this shiny shovel. Couldn't find any info in Tibia Wiki (PT or EN).

Do you have any info? Is it obtainable? Is it a temporary quest item?

All that I know is that it has the same weight of a common shovel and is not tradeable in market.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (17,406 points)
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 I remember the rope and shovel being highlighted for the moment before you used them during the cockroach tutorial island also known as the beginner quest. In the cyclopedia, there's still the highlighted rope as well. I don't believe they're obtainable anymore as you cannot access the cockroach island on new characters anymore. Tutorial Island - Youtube shows proof of this. Also, when playing the new tutorial with the draptor, my rope isn't highlighted like the one shown in the cyclopedia and I'm not provided a shovel.
