+1 vote
by (1,516 points)
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> Can this item be used as decoration? 

> Does this item disappear or is it permanent?


by (1,516 points)
I couldn't find any on the market to buy :(

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,212 points)
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The item is permanent but it's also necessary to complete a mission of The Explorer Society Quest.

[Edit] Sorry for the lack of information haha. 

Scale of Frozen Dragon can be obtained in the Explorer Society Quest in an Aditional Mission: The Island of Dragons. 

To receive this mission your character must have: The Ice Island Quest until the final mission and rank IV at the Explorer Society. 

This mission is necessary to complete the Explorer Society Quest and if you have the quest alredy completed, you can't pick up more Scales from a Frozen Dragon. 

I don't have characters to test it but you can try this: 

1. Start the mission. 

2. Pick up your scale 

3. Put the scale in your house or depot. 

4. Return to the NPC Lurik (Who gave you the mission) and say "Lost" 

4. Try to pick up again. 

You can follow this spoiler: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/The_Explorer_Society_Quest#Additional_missions

by (1,516 points)
in which mission is the item obtained? sorry, what is the source of the information? more details would be important, for example: is the item lost after completing the mission? Is it possible to get more than one item? this is important to know if the mission will be done with the main character or an exclusive char is needed just to get the item.
+1 vote
by (5,796 points)

Yes, it is a permanent item and will not vanish if you use as a decoration.


And it is a pretty cool decoration item in my personal opinion smileyyes
