+3 votes
by (5,318 points)

I have realised that Owin is in Archfoe group, unlike like Feroxa or other bosses spawning once in awhile- Dharalion or Man In the Cave. Even if his spawn could be triggered, it would still be classified as Bane ( for example Mad Mage). How does Owin’s spawn works? Can I find him somewhere else than Grimvale?

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (5,318 points)
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Owin will respawn only in Grimvale, as he is “living” in there. He is now main researcher for were-sickness. Owins spawn depends on two “cool-downs” of respawning:

  •          He will appear every month only during Full Moon event (which would classified him into Nemesis group)
  •          He will spawn frequently during the Full Moon –approximately every hour ( cool- down 45min -1 hrs time)  from what I noticed (which would classified him into Bane group)

As there are two specifics for his respawn, he was classified in between – as Archfoe.

So if it is Full Moon, it is worth to visit the cave every now and then! First 5 kills is 10 points already!

by (1,136 points)
I have recently killed 5 Owins for the Bosstiary and the approx. respawn time was ~80 minutes.
by (5,318 points)
When I killed it my first kills it was for me every hour so I was even confident it starts exactly when night starts, only then started to be more irregular (appeared later). I will investigate it on this full moon, thank you for pointing out possible discrepancy
by (1,552 points)
I've completed the Bosstiary entry for Owin and checking every 40~50 minutes is good enough. 80 is way too much and you risk missing the kill if you're in a busy server.
by (1,136 points)
You probably misunderstood my comment. I've checked more often, but Owin did not respawn until 80 minutes passed. That was on Gladera - peak hours.