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I want mainly profit and i don't know if its possible at this range of level.

I so far tried lions solo and i don't think i like it a lot, i want to change spots and try something new. Yielothaxes i didn't try yet but will give it a go.

Any more thoughts?
by (5,796 points)
out of curiosity, which kind of melee weapon are you using?

1 Answer

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by (594 points)
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As an elite knight myself, with your skill I would recommend Sea Serpents (but get imbuements of AT LEAST level 2).
I was hunting them from around 80 to level 175. It really was boring but I don't regret anything.

The loot was decent, there was no waste for me, though at your level I wouldn't charge into 5 or 6 of those since they may just combo you.
I used to go to the lower Sea Serpents (south side of the boat) but you may want to go north side where there are blood crabs as well, just for safety and more loot.

Eventually before going straight to Sea Serpents you may want to check Dragon Lair north of Darashia, this place is also really cool and profitable (if you're lucky!)