+1 vote
by (1,533 points)
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Well, few days ago I was able to use some ASCII as ">" (alt+62) "<" (alt + 60)into my conversation due my keyboard doesn't support those keys, but suddenly it stopped, I can't no longer use any ASCII code in tibia, even if I could copy and paste those symbols (considerably troublesome), so I thought it was my keyboard language but any other app even web support my ASCII codes, all but tibia client due that I came here asking:

Why this happened?

Is possible to return to a configuration that allow me using them? or is a permanent change?

Is avoidable or what triggered it?
by (17,393 points)
by (1,533 points)
nope, im using w10 rn and it just happened suddenly, i thought it could  be a trouble with the update
by (17,393 points)
Ah okay, I recommend maybe submitting a tech ticket if no one is able to answer might be the recent update like you mentioned
by (1,533 points)
update, seems that with the magma bubble patch (on 26) it works correctly once again, maybe after all was a stuff with tibia but im still trying to get an official answer

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (495 points)

123 working ASCII symbols out of 255 tested in Tibia:

1⁄4 1⁄2 3⁄4 1 2 3

Ã Å Ä Â À Á a ã å ä â à á @

Þ þ ß

ç Ç ¢ ©

Ð ð

Æ Ë Ê È É ë ê è é æ

Ï Î Ì Í ï î ì í | ¡

Ñ ñ


Õ Ö Ô Ò Ó Ø õ ö ô ò ó ø ¤ o °



Ü Û Ù Ú ü û ù ú

¥ Ý ÿ ý

_  ̧ , . - · ~  ̄ '  ̈ " `  ́

[ ] ( ) { } \ /

; : = ÷ + ± × * ^ < > « » § ¶ ¿ ? & % # !

Full information and additional heart emoji can be found here:




by (1,533 points)
no no i meant i can't use the code "alt + numpad", i can't create any symbol through ASCII even those that i could use through copy paste.