+1 vote
by (1,850 points)
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Hello, I just completed the boss Magma Bubble and I wonder how long I am gonna burn? I will also add that I am the only one who got this effect for so long.

We left at:

15:28 The following items dropped by a magma bubble are available in your reward chest: a giant emerald, 7 berserk potions, a crystal coin, 11 ultimate health potions.

At 15:50 my teammates lost it and I got it already for 10 minutes more than them and I keep burning. I am a paladin I block one summon while Elite Knight had boss and summons, So how it is possible the burning lasts way after killing the boss?
by (1,850 points)
15:50 Lord Koziol loses 8 hitpoints.  <- His last damage he got.
16:11 You lose 9 hitpoints.  <- Mine.

4 Answers

0 votes
by (44 points)
The burn from Magma Bubble was long, from what I remember around 10 minutes. You could heal it in temple by going to NPC and writing "heal" or as a druid with spell "Cure Burning".
In the latest patch they fixed the boss and now its possible to teleport out after leaving the boss ( by cube or teleportation scroll) as the burn is almost done while leaving the area of deafeted boss.

The lenght of being consumed by fire should be the same, maybe you got REfired again by other monster.

(Comment answer: The difference of you losing health points and your knight may be coused by resistance disparity for fire you are wearing)
0 votes
by (109 points)
An update came out a few months ago, and since then you immediately lose burning status (sometimes after the "first hit") when you leave the boss room.
0 votes
by (12 points)
The burning effect now has been changed few months back, after you exit boss room you are ignited just for couple of seconds.
–1 vote
by (516 points)
How long you're gonna be burning is only up to you. That depends on how fast you'll head to the city temple and ask NPC there for "heal".
This way you'll be cured instantly.