+2 votes
by (24 points)
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i dont have much money to waste so my question is use assassin stars until 105 to get mycological or i should put my old composite for use and throw some imbuements ?

2 Answers

0 votes
by (7,047 points)
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If you dont want waste, keep using Assassin Star Assasins Stars get level 95-105 is too easy and fast, with some hours.

0 votes
by (101 points)
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Personally I have found more profit when I used the following one of three combinations depending on how much the prices of the bows are.  The following are listed in order of profit with the top selection being the best although this can be dependant upon the creature you decide to hunt. 


Weapon: Warsinger Bow

Ammo: Crystalline Arrows

Range: 7
Total Attack: 68
Increased Hit Percentage: +5%
Imbuements: Mana Leech + Critical Hit
Price Per Shot: 20 Gold

Weapon: Composite Hornbow

Ammo: Crystalline Arrows

Range: 6
Total Attack: 68
Increased Hit Percentage: +2%
Imbuements: Mana Leech + Critical Hit
Price Per Shot: 20 Gold

Weapon: Assassin Star

Range: 4
Attack: 65
Price Per Shot: Average 33 Gold Per Star (33% Break Chance)
