+1 vote
by (5,796 points)

Talking to a guide is a nice idea when you travel to a city that you don't know yet. They can mark your map with the important places of the city and also escort you to the depot if you are a low level character. However, where are located the city guides on each Tibia city with one of them? 

by (3,816 points)
You want the exact location? Because all guide npc is close to a boat, its not hard to find them... only kazz and svar dont have guide npcs :/
by (5,796 points)
Just point on the map where they are located, like a circle or a star. It seems a basic info but we had several access on this website regarding basic information, as far as I could see by myself. There is always all kinds of situations on this game. For example: sometimes a new player can reach Ank from the desert and probably will be kind of lost since he will reach the city by the gates instead of the boat. The same about cities on Mainland (free accounts will just walk around). Think this as something for newcomers.

Interesting that Kazz and Svargrond do not have a guide. What about Farmine and other cities?
by (3,816 points)
Farmine doesnt have a guide npc either or at least its not in wiki page... cant take pictures of all guides locations =/ maybe only the free area ones...

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (5,070 points)
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Best answer
NPC GUIDESClick on each NPC Name to access to all the info about the NPC including the location.





Guide AlexenaGuide Alexena


Guide BehilGuide Behil


Guide DavinaGuide Davina


Guide EdnaGuide Edna


Guide ElenaGuide Elena


Guide JonathanGuide Jonathan


Guide LukeGuide Luke


Guide RahlkoraGuide Rahlkora


Guide ThelandilGuide Thelandil


Guide TikoGuide Tiko
RATHLETONGuide KunibertGuide Kunibert
ISSAVIGuide Meruka.gifGuide Meruka
by (2,564 points)
Linking directly to mapper would be slightly better. Having screenshots with locations marked would be even more preferable.
by (5,070 points)
edited by
Editted , hope that is more clarify
by (2,564 points)
Looks better :)