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by (11 points)
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Hello everyone, I have a few - "Vial of Manafluid" how much is it worth? Thank you for your answer
by (1,558 points)
The price has probably dropped a lot since it's now also obtainable in the Time Traveller Dungeon, but it's been a long time since I've last seen anyone buying those.

5 Answers

+1 vote
by (126 points)
you can also obtain it in Marapur's depot so its probably extremely cheap nowadays
0 votes
by (14 points)
if you are lucky, you can obtain vial of manafluid on yalahar on magician's quarter, so its possible to obtain.. the price not gonna be big because of that ( around 25tc i guess )
by (17,406 points)
It's possible to obtain in multiple places like the Time Dungeon. Have you seen any recent players selling? Right now in my world Tibia coins are 30-31k each. So does this mean the price is under 1kk but close to it?
by (7,037 points)
There is no way to vial cost 25 tc event before the implementation of the time dungeon it dont cost more than 200k.
0 votes
by (7,037 points)
Taking in count the servers of Antica and my server own Gladera: 20k to 100k. But looks like 100k is to much, something close to 50k is more usual.
0 votes
by (12 points)
Hey, You can get manafluid in 25 Years of tibia quest, "Oramond" Its daliy spawn on that there,
by (2,564 points)
Hey there. The question is how much is it worth, not how to find it. Cheers!
0 votes
by (282 points)
Hello, the price i think is not more than 10k. You can obtain easily now in some daily respawns.

I would say also that now is hard to sell because if someone needs one, he goes to pick it up. Maybe in some specific occasions if someone needs a lot to decorate a house.

You can also wake up all days at ss and take all from dailys respawns, so if someone needs it, they are forced to buy it from you. xD