+1 vote
by (439 points)
During my tasks to get the outfit from '' Spike Tasks '' I never got the chance to do the low lvl tasks, is it possible to obtain any items from the NPCS? What Items do you get from each lvl?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (1,516 points)
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It is possible to obtain items in these missions.

Tasks 25-49

> Angry Spirits: Spirit Shovel  

> Ghost Pacifiers: Tuning Fork  

> Malevolent Presence: Ghost Detector 

Tasks 50-79

> Fertilising Mushrooms: Flask Mushroom Fertilizer 

> Geomantic Charges: Lodestone   / 


> Some items disappear when delivering the mission, so if you want to keep the item, it's good to have a char just for that, so you're always on the mission.

> If you have lost an item, you can buy it again with NPC Gnomux.

> One of the most interesting items is the loadstone, which when carried during the mission gains a blue glow, making it a great item to help with decorations.
