+1 vote
by (235 points)
Well, since my last question ("Are there bugs still not fixed in-game?") has been closed, because someone thought it "possibly can reveal bugs or game weaknesses that may infringe Tibia rules", I have another that I hope doesn't infringe anything.

What bugs in-game took the most to be solved? Bugs that were known and remained for a long time unsolved.

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (17,410 points)
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Best answer

The Transmutator achievement was created on September 22, 2010, but wasn't obtainable due to a bug that was finally fixed on June 22, 2021. We weren't able to discover the achievement because 1) an item that was impossible to bring to the machine was needed 2) cockroach legs counted but because their unobtainable (and none on green battle eye servers) this would've been impossible for most. So in total, it took about 11 years to get fixed or noticed. Source: Tibia Fandom

You can also take a look at the related question- What are some major bugs that Tibia experienced?

by (2,426 points)
That was not the exact bug. The Cockroach Legs could be used and counted just fine. The problem was that there was another item which was impossible to bring to the machine to use. That, besides of course the fact that Cockroach Legs became unobtainable and are relatively rare and not available in GBE worlds.
by (17,410 points)
Thanks I misunderstood, ah it was the bird cage then?
by (2,426 points)
They never confirmed it was the bird cage, that was just our best guess after testing and looking into all possibilities.
+2 votes
by (7,046 points)
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If you take in count the map bugs, theres is one near to the teleports of Warzones 1, 2 and 3.... from July 2012.

The start from the small river is rotated 180 grades.

On this area you can see the bug repeated five times.

by (235 points)
What's in the map exactly?
by (17,410 points)
Did this bug get fixed?
by (328 points)
What kind of map bug? Went there plenty of times and never had an issue, no client crashes or anything like that
by (7,046 points)
Edited and add image of the bug. Is a small one but is a bug.
By the way not all bugs do a crashes or problems with the client.