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It seems many quests are connected to binary language.

What are all places/documents/items which are connected to Binary coding?

Question In Relation to: What is the item Monolith of Planes

2 Answers

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by (5,070 points)


°°°°°'''''°'''°° Part of the Opticording Sphere Quest.

This is the one I know atm that got binary code.
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by (17,406 points)
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Best answer

Where can I find Binary Coding in Tibia?

Binary Coding is used a lot in the Opticording Sphere Quest, here are some examples:

ImagesThe engravings must be decoded using binary to ASCII text conversion in order to reveal their true message
Strange Symbols (Venore I).gifStrange Symbols located on top of Venore's roofs containing the result code "Zathroth"
Strange Symbols (Mushroom Gardens).gifStrange Symbols located in the Mushroom Gardens meaning Ferumbras
Hieroglyphs.gifHieroglyphs located in the Tomb of Horestis meaning Zoralurk
Deepling Ornament.gifDeepling Ornament in Gray Island meaning Qjell
Strangely Shaped Menhir.gifStrangely Shaped Menhir in Ab'dendriel Temple meaning Garsharak
Opticording Krailos Minimap.PNG

Map image from Krailos- The binary code from the minimap (as shown to the right) in the cave is: 00001011 and 00001111 = 11 and 15 in decimal.

Based on this, we have a date: 15/11/12.
Opticorder Analyser (Activated).gifIt is an Opticorder Analyser with the Opticording Sphere. Located in Krailos Forge
The pin movement is not random, it shows the password PLNSTRDR in binary code.


Items obtained during the Opticording Sphere Quest that contain Binary Coding-

ImagesItem description
Rolled-up Parchment.gifRolled-up Parchment: Obtain it by opening a Mysterious Metal Egg. "°°°°°'''''°'''°° = 0000011111011100 = 2012 in decimal." 
Monolith of the Planes.gifMonolith of the Planes:
A red line at the top of it begins to flash in three certain sequences. Applying binary logic we arrive at three words, Galthen, Bsth4e, and Aerith

