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by (356 points)
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Due to the Sunset of Tournaments, this question is outdated.

Tournament ASCENSION

From Zero to Hero.

Now that the Tournaments are sadly comming to an end, this is our last chance to get  Tournament Coins. 

For Tournament ASCENSION, taking in consideration the Rule Set and Score Set. What would be the best way to get as many points as possible during the 10 hours of playtime? As shared experience is off, please consider doing it SOLO.

Consider as well:

  • Vocation Recommendation
  • Hunting spots
  • Charms
  • Area Discovery
  • Quests
  • Tips & Tricks

1 Answer

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I guess it will be roughly the same as last Tournament.
People that want to be in the top10-20 gonna need to work together to achieve this.

Last Tournament my friends grouped up and helped each other.
Means both played two characters each and a third guy provided a farm char and got a part of the rewards.
Only the two guys were heading for Tournament points, the third guy was just helping them in return for some coins!

So about their strategy.
The third guy made a farm character, EK I believe, grinded money and got some levels meanwhile. He also farmed gear and did some easy pickup quests like Black Knight or Orc Fortress Quest. This char was also the one starting directly at server save of the first tournament day.
That day in the evening the other two guys started their farm characters and leveled them up, while the third guy was giving equip and money to them.
Second day the third guy farmed money again for 4 hours. In the evening one of the others started the main character, knight due to best skilling availability, while the second guy was pulling monsters over bombs to level up the main character. They did this until the main character reached a certain level and had some decent skills.
Third day they did the same, just vice versa, first guy was running mobs over bombs, while the second guy was skilling on  his main character meanwhile.
Fourth day both main characters were leveled and skilled and they started doing area discoveries. They did this until the time limit was done.
I think one of them was a bit more lucky in the end and had like 15 mins or so in which another discovery wouldn't be successful so he skilled for the remaining time.

Spots they used need to be overseen I believe, since this time some more monster are forbidden, but i guess the strategy will mainly stay the same.

If you think you can be top10 completely on you own I have to admit that it might work on the store server due to potion/rune availability through coins, but on the restricted server that is not possible I believe.
You also gonna lose a lot of time leveling and skilling afterwards, since you can't do it simultaneously, and this time is missing for area discovery later on.
by (200 points)
Which area of discovery would you recommend that is easy and fast?
As far as i know they always do Krailos, Hive ( need to reset sometimes if points are inside the locked area i think), Darashia, Ab'dendriel, Kazordoon. Those are the fast ones (You can add Feyrist too, but that needs a quest and you need to play around the running part a bit to not waste time, e.g. start when you discover edron, go on with the quest when you discover ab'dendriel and kazo)
The slower ones are Thais, Edron and Carlin.
At one Tournament they also ran Rosh together, but that was quite hard and took way longer than expected since they were super unlucky with some points of interest.

But you should train those first, so you know exactly which caves belong to which part. Also the Points of Interest seem to have fixed spawnpoints. I heard there is a pool of points and as soon as you activate the subarea you randomly get 7 points out of this pool. I believe i have even seen someone marking all points around Kazordoon on his minimap to run them as fast as possible.