+3 votes
by (5,730 points)
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Today I was looking for the nearest fiendish creature and it seems to be in this place; where I have no idea how to get in there.

Does anyone please have any idea about how to get to this place? From the shape of the map it seems that it is entered through some teleport. I will leave some pictures to show:

Thanks a lot.

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (1,850 points)
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Best answer

Every day, one of the portals to the Spirit Grounds will be open. These portals are located near Darashia (here), at the Ghostlands (here) and at Vengoth (here). No objectives for this Mini World Change are known, and neither are any associated achievements. It is simply a place to hunt. The monsters inside the Spirit Grounds vary independently of the portal's location, making it like two Mini World Changes in one.


by (5,730 points)
Thanks youuuuu! Was right there.