+3 votes
by (7,037 points)
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Most of the stackable items in the game have a maximum stack per pile limited to 100 (like gold coins, meat, mana potions). What items are stackable in more or less than 100 items max per pile?

I know you can stack by example the gold between 2-100 but im looking for items that have a maximum stack per pile at 25, 50, or 100+.
by (7,037 points)
Items that cant be stacked in piles of 100 (At max) or more than 100, that's all.
by (2,564 points)
Trululu, I edited your question based on how I understood it. Can you check this is correct?
by (7,037 points)
Its that, thanks you!

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (2,426 points)
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None. The Client will not allow you to stack any cumulative item beyond 100 items, and it won't prevent you from creating a stack until it has 100 items on it.

Many years ago, I think before Tibia 7.0, for a brief period of time there were stacks of more than 100 gold. That was because Dragon Lords sometimes dropped more than 100 gold and they came as a single stack. This was later changed, of course. There are still players who claim to have these stacks with more than 100 gold in Antica, and the legend says that if these stacks are as much as moved inside the container they are in they'll split. This, however, hasn't been proven recently on video or anything like that. 

As for the Theons mentioned in the comments: there are three items which represent Theons: 50 Theons, 7197 Theons and 200 Theons. These are regular items, with these names, so the numbers do not represent the amount of items as they do when you e.g. see "100 gold". These items have two peculiar characteristics: they have an invisible sprite and they vanish about 1 second after they are created and a character interacts with it. When they disappear, the corresponding Theons are added to the character's balance. For some reason, CipSoft decided to use this mechanic to have control over the amount of Theons players get from bosses as loot, as well as on their first battle against Lord Retro. Finally, it's worth mentioning that the name "7197 Theons" isn't random, the number is an Allusion to Tibia's Birthday, 7/1/1997 (in the non-North-American date format).
