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by (5,796 points)
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Among the backpacks available to lucky players who stumbled or searched vigorously on libraries across of Tibia, you could also find a secret code used to enter a special raffle of Tibia Coins organized by Cipsoft. Does someone know what is the secret code and is willing to reveal to us?

You can read more about it here: https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=4986

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (355 points)
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Best answer

I know the secret, unfortunately, I will not reveal it, it will ruin the fun.
I would also like to point out that by revealing the secret my chances of winning the raffle decrease dramatically and it's not in my best intrest to do so.

My brother and I have got a total of five crown backpacks and two demon backpacks. across five different servers.

Here's what I'm willing to share.

I have 3 of those in my possession on 3 different servers.
My brother has sold 1 (CMToken) and has 1, he also has the two demon backpacks which I didn't screenshot as he's the one with them, they contained a chocolate cake, a chocolate bar and a chocolate dragon legs.
The ornate tome is empty, nothing's written on it.


EDIT: The original is the following image, I have in my possession 3 of those backpacks (one on each of the worlds I found them on), the fourth was sold by my brother (I believe he still has the letter though).

Aprils Fool 2019 event letter with code

by (17,406 points)
Wow I wonder if there's any updates on what the code was?
by (355 points)
I've reinstalled and logged in just to get the picture, it's been edited on the post itself.
by (5,796 points)
amazing! Thank you!