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by (43 points)
the boss will be avaible permanently or just for the event?

there's no news about this...

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (57 points)
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Hello, yes!

“To celebrate this anniversary in style, we have prepared numerous activities and events for you. If it is not declared otherwise, these events are temporary and will take place from January 7 to February 8, so do not miss this opportunity. Some of them will also be permanent, however, and can be enjoyed beyond Tibia's birthday.”

The time travel cave and boss Lord Retro are permanent additions to the game.


In Fórum, Skerio answered the following question:

Also can you clarify if the Time dungeon and Lord Retro is for every anniversary or it will remain in game even after the anniversary for example in March it will be there?

The latter, they are not bound to certain dates.


by (17,404 points)
Does this mean after the event he will still be here without Tibia's Anniversary or only during Tibia's future anniversary? I think without Tibia's Anniversary because it says "can be enjoyed beyond Tibia's birthday.”
by (57 points)
According to cipsoft itself, it confirmed that it will be beyond the anniversary, but some events are temporary but wait for the end for confirmation
by (17,404 points)
You should add to your answer-    Also, can you clarify if the Time dungeon and Lord Retro is for every anniversary or it will remain in game even after the anniversary for example in March it will be there?

The latter, they are not bound to certain dates.
by (57 points)
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