+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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Hello, I wanted to get some achievements but don't have time to complete or start missions of the Twenty Miles Beneath The Sea quest. Is it possible to do orb mission/tasks without starting or completing the Twenty Miles Beneath The Sea quest? By orb missions I mean for the achievements Mind the Step and Snake Charmer (when The Fire-Feathered Sea Serpent world change is active)

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,689 points)
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Best answer
You need to have stage 'beescheed' to make orbs and these second achievement, but you don't need to make whole quest.
by (1,669 points)
Hey Tynusiiaa,
What do you mean by "you don't need to make whole quest"? Which parts of the quest do we need to do?
by (5,689 points)
just start i think
+1 vote
by (1,669 points)
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When I did the orbs missions I had only started Sub-Mission 1 as well as the mission that carries the name of the quest (which is related to Mr Brandon's ring). Since I didn't finish any of those missions, I believe you don't even need to start them.
