+1 vote
by (1,274 points)
An example is the lisa boss that has no player input limit to face him, my question is which other bosses have the same mechanism as this boss with regard to leverage.

1 Answer

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by (1,527 points)
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Most Ormond bosses can be killed in big parties:

Other examples are Deepling Bosses: Jaul, Obujos and Tanjis

Also, when The Hive is on its Third Stage, you could find the hive-born bosses: ChopperFleshslicerMawMindmasherRotspit and Shadowstalker.

The Warzone 1, 2 and 3 Bosses can also be joined by big parties: DeathstrikeGnomevil and Abyssador. As well as Warzone 4, 5 and 6. Edit: They might have a limit, I will do some research on this topic and edit

All the bosses from The Inquisition Quest (Shadow Nexus Mission).

Killmaresh Quest minibosses: MozradekXogixath, and Bragrumol.

There are other bosses that you can kill in big parties, for example, rare spawn bosses but definitely, they just spawn in certain places and it's not the same mechanism as Oramond.

by (5,318 points)
It is great start, however, several bosses from your list contains bosses which are not accessible through leverage. If you are deciding to go this path- please split in two section -with and without leverage. Consequently, you will have to update all without leverage as you missing many. You can also update you question containing only leverage bosses. Nevertheless, kindly edit appropriately.
by (360 points)
This is something I don't have proof, only what other people have told me: the Dangerous Depth bosses (warzones 4, 5 and 6) have a max limit of players. If I remember well that limit is 27 or similar. That situation happened when a team was trying to enter with many chars to kill the other team losing skull inside in the after boss room. It would be great if someone had more information about this.
by (1,527 points)
Thanks guys, I edited it already. I will do more research in both your comments to update and edit again,
by (5,318 points)
Firstly- Lisa boss is more portal boss rather than lever boss. Then on your list, You still have bosses without any lever nor portal access- Mozradek etc.
And then you missing a lot for accessible by portal, or without any.... Example- Feroxa