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by (2,211 points)
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Recently while talking to NPC Jessica I came across an interesting thing unrelated to any known quest. If you ask her about 'rumours' she will tell us that Sven is willing to pay 1,000 gold pieces for each Venorean hunter's head. 

It turns out that Venore hunters reside near Svargrond. Their base is located on Tyrsung. Jessica hates the Venoreans. Sven has no sympathy for them either. According to Jessica, we need to say the word „Blubber” when talking to Sven. Supposedly it's a secret word that will tell Sven that he can trust us. If we go to him and in the NPC channel type the word "Blubber" Sven will answer us, but apparently, he is surprised and does not give us any task. Turns out Jessica probably fooled us.

However, when we copy the word "Blubber" from Jessica's statement instead of typing it, strange things start to happen. The image below shows the use of the copied word.

When you try to send a copied word in the NPC Channel, the message "Sorry, not possible" appears and Sven doesn't react to the word. It looks like the word "Blubber" in Jessica's statement contains some unknown encoding or some hidden characters. I asked my friend to check it on a completely different computer and account. The result was the same. 

I would like to know what is the purpose of this? I've had a lot of conversations with NPCs and this is the first time I've seen such a strange situation. I suspect this is some kind of bug, but I'd like to make sure because it's a strange case that this "secret" word is bugged.

by (1,492 points)
not actually directly* related to the question, but there are various "methods" that when trying to speak with them you are unable to send messages, example starting with @ or with *, maybe the coding on the jessica message have something related to that.
by (2,211 points)
Maybe. But this character must be hidden in some way? Apart from the word Blubber, no other characters are visible on the screen.
by (5,291 points)
Moghs hotkeys be like (I am sure on all chars similar) : 27x stuffed dragons, 1x Fire Bug, 1x Ring of Ending, Hotkeys for Beregar and secret passage xD sooo curious about your bp... ( talons, vials of everything, Shrunken necklace, Blood Skull, soils ?)
Quara Hydromancer and Splasher says Blubber. !
by (2,211 points)
Haha. You are perceptive. I was recently researching NPCs for a secret passage in Beregar. I have all sorts of words set up there: secret passage, forgotten passage, hidden tunnel, etc. The presence of 27 stuffed dragons explains my other question on TibiaQA.
by (1,492 points)
to be fair. she doesn't even say venoreans on that phrase, says venorans so either could be a total misspell and a glitch on the words, or yeah, there is something hidden and the fact that she doesn't says venoreans but venorans and that the word doesn't work for some reason are included
by (5,709 points)
One thing: Did you try reporting both the Blubber and the "venorans" typo? Wouldn't that be a leftover bug similar to Beregar's hidden passage?
by (2,211 points)
I didn't report it. In my opinion, there is a low probability that there is a hidden quest or something similar here. But who knows. Maybe you are right and it is worth reporting. But knowing the speed of Cipsoft when it comes to fixing such things, we will probably wait a few months as it was in the case of Barzak. Today I will send a report.
by (5,291 points)
Digging more into subject re Venorans: Svargrond was established by Norsir (barbarians) & Carliners. Norsir who were having business with Carliners, become more "civilised" true this relationship-which divided them from the other Barbarians and then Carlin had permanent access to the tunnels (mystic caves) with valuable ores. Now:
"However, the rivals from Venore have also started to show interest in the Ice Islands and established a camp in a small bay on Tyrsung.".
Going this path- there are two NPC's, which are Venore representatives- Zora (who btw had bounty on her head for Piracy! Maybe she can tell you about Klabautermen  ^^) and Baltim who are surrounded with smugglers and Pirates - and when you go on the ship and you can go underwater..... hmmm ;)
by (2,211 points)
@idontknow Good observations. I also researched this thread on Tyrsung. I love this kind of research. I wish you the best of luck. You may come across something unexpected. @FPoPP I have already sent the bug report. We'll see what comes out of it.
by (5,709 points)
Nice @Mogh ! I think that we are up to something!
by (1,492 points)
i found something, maybe is indeed a glitch, the word "blubber" copied from jessica is totally different to regular words, actually is a bit higher than average words, like if actually were a code (as bold, italic or superscript) in the message.

the important stuff is: when u copy the word and u erase it without erasing the "coding" behind the word, then u could write whichever word or empty and would still say "sorry not possible" due is probably a non-supported text-coding.

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (2,211 points)
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Best answer

Today I went to talk to Jessica.To my surprise, it turns out that after many months Cipsoft has fixed the issue spoken by the NPC. 

As you can see, the word "Venorans" has been replaced with "Venoreans". The word "Blubber" has also been fixed. After copying this word and pasting it into the NPC Channel, the message "Sorry, not possible" no longer shows. NPC Sven reacts to the word "Blubber" in the same way as before. So, taking all this into account, it seems that there is no secret behind the word "Blubber". The strange situation described in the question was undoubtedly a bug.

by (318 points)
Thanks for sharing this. I appreciate when I see that Cip, from time to time, fix those small game issues. There are still hundreds of minor things to fix, but it's good to see that they still care to fix some of them.