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by (5,318 points)
There are specific areas which we cannot enter unless it is night in Tibia. I am looking for the list of all places which I can only enter when it is night time in Tibia. Please include also places which can be accessed later during day after finishing some missions/quests but originally has to start at night (example Falcon Bastion).

1 Answer

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by (27 points)

In Tibia, it is considered to be day from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, which corresponds to hh:15 to hh:45 in real life. Consequently, it is night from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am, which in real life means from hh:45 to hh:15.

There are few NPCs/Creatures/Locations that can only be accessed during the night in the game:

  • Crossing the bridge south from the Wyvern Mountain in Edron, the entrance to The Secret Library Quest can only be accessed during the night.
  • When traveling from Port Hope to Edron, Thais, Liberty Bay, and Yalahar, players can ask for a shortcut that brings them to an island west of Meluna. There, a ship's telescope can only be activated during the night.
  • In the Werehyaena cave in Darashia, the NPC A Skull will only talk to players if it's night.
  • In Oskayaat, for the Grimvale quest, players need to have a lit torch during nighttime to proceed with the Sacrifice mission. The conch shell horn is also only obtainable there during nighttime.
  • In Edron, when doing the Threatened Dreams quest, players can only access the Ghostly Wolf NPC during nighttime. Many other missions from this quest require the game to be in nighttime.
  • In Feyrist, the night and day cycle mechanic is very present. Some creatures only spawn during the night, like Dark Fauns, Boogies, and Twisted Pookas.
  • In Bounac, five NPCs change their location during the night: Wes, Jehan, Dal, Onfroi, and Fral.

There aren't any specific areas in Tibia that are completely inaccessible during the day, except for the chalk bucket teleport for the Secret Library Quest.

