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by (24 points)
Hello fellas,

Can you guys list below the bestiary entrys that needed 1k+ death that have a nearby safespot and where to find them?
by (5,801 points)
only 1 k bestiaries? And you mean protection zones, right?
by (24 points)
Yep, I mean protection zones or nearby safezones (up/downstairs with no monsters to kill me)
Could be 1k bestiaries, 2500 or 5000

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (1,528 points)
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  • All Fae (as well as mini frazzlemaw and silencer) In Feiryst are a very solid option since there are lots of protection zone around the island
  • Grimvale has the boat very near the entrance of the cave.
  • The misguided cave has a protection zone right at the entrance of the cave
  • Gray Island has the protection zone in the bridge before crossing to the swarmer area 
  • Cobra Bastión has the boat right before the respawn 
  • Falcon also has a couple of boats and the water as a protection zone on the ground floor
  • Carlin cults if completed the access, you can stay across the magic barrier, it is not a protection zone, but nothing can attack you
  • Oramond east raids have a protection right in the entrance to the sewers
  • Oramond west raid is nearby NPC Chavis that has a protection zone
  • Oramond dungeon after entering the pipe (not a protection zone but nothing attacks you)
  • Deep Banuta you can stay before the teleport, not a protection zone but nothing attacks you
  • Talahu and Malada, they all have 1 sqm of protection zone in the teleport/stairs area, so you could hunt the monsters in the ground for bestiary (hydras and giant spiders both are 1k to unlock)