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by (5,716 points)

I just did the mission Quenching The Thirst for Krailos. I read the books and discovered about the golden quartz ebing able to purify the water. I did what was needed, asked for water to the Shaman NPC and picked 30 water elementals "spirit". Filled the lake 6 times and then purified the lake after talking to the Shaman NPC by using 30 golden quartz powder on the water.

However, after that, I did not receive my reward, the Shaggy Bag... I was only after that. Any idea on why it happened? The quest should be completed but the Shaman NPC does not react with a reward when I ask him, jsut tells me that there is now fresh water for the ogres...

00:31 Larek: Yes, the drying of seas and rivers is a big problem in Krailos. Gradually, all sources of fresh water are fading away. If you want to know more, you should ask Ghorza.

Any idea on what happened and where I can get my reward?

by (5,318 points)
edited by
I believe that you were following TibiaWikiBR. Instead of reporting back to Larek try to report to Ghorza only. Do not report to Larek as it might start mission from the beginning. The reward will be given by Ghorza not Larek. Also- since it was previous SS, it means you will have to start from beginning.
by (5,716 points)
But one interesting fact: I actually only read Larek material and after understanding what's up with the Quartz, I picked the quartz and purified the lake. After I did it, I reported back to Ghorza only. Apparently, there is a bug that the quest will not recognize you if you do what is needed but avoid using the keyword water. I talked to him earlier as well about quartz and other stuff. I forwarded to Cipsoft my case on Technical Support.
by (1,510 points)
That's interesting. I have done the quest about 2 days ago following the guide on the English TibiaWiki and I got the reward without any problem. Perhaps give that a look (if you haven't figure it out by now). And as Idontknow said, make sure you do the tasks all on the same day otherwise you'll have to repeat the process again if that's after a server save.
by (285 points)
This is an old thread, but I'm actually curious on how did CipSoft respond to your ticket? Did they fix the bug? I did the quest and also noticed that Lorek response is not conclusive, it didn't make any sense to me when I did it, but Ghorza gave me the reward and if I'm not mistaken, my questlog was updated after talking to her.

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