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My team and I want to start hunting at Rotten Wasteland. I wanna know what is the level recommendation being 5 players with 2 ED and what will be the recommended set for that place?

Thanks for your answer :D

1 Answer

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by (45 points)


It is possible to hunt rotten with 2 druid since lvl 500, obviously the knight must use 3 defense prey, which can be a very big expense.

The ideal to hunt and make a good experience would be knight lvl 700 so that it is not necessary to use 3 defense preys, and the other members of the party 600+, that way they can make good experience and money.

The main damage taken is holy, earth and physical. so it is necessary to set with protection to these elements.

Sets for each vocation:

  • EK: depth calcei, falcon greaves, elven mail (imbue: holy, earth, life), lion shield (imbue: holy), terra helmet, prismatic ring, terra amulet, lit torch, weapon with fire or death damage.
  • MAGES: pair of dreamwalkers, soulful legs, elven mail (imbue: holy, earth, life), or bear skin for druids (imbue: holy or life), brain in a jar or shoulder plate (imbue: holy), gnome helmet, lit torch, and enchanted theurgic amulet.
  • RP: winged boots, fabulous legs or falcon greaves, elven mail (imbue: holy, earth, life), lion spangenhelm or falcon coif, falcon bow, lit torch, enchanted sleep shawl, and prismatic ring.