+4 votes
by (5,523 points)
I assume there is some sort of formula that calculates the creature's health based on the wave you a currently on. Each creature would presumably have a starting health value at wave 1 and it would increase as the waves increase. For example, (starting health * wave number). I imagine the actual formula would be more complicated than this.

Does anyone know what this formula is and if it is accurate for each creature type? I would be interested to know for each creature as it may be different. This would include the Domestikion, Hoodinion, Mearidion, Murmillion, and Scissorion. If we can check the creature health over the first few waves the formula could possibly be determined.
by (1,589 points)
That's a very nice question and I questioned myself during the test server. I took notes of all much damage I did for each creature but quickly realised the numbers are kind of random. For example, I played the first wave many times, only killing Domestikions and for all of them the damage I caused was different.

I assume it is possible to come up with a formula but there's probably some randomness involved as well.
by (5,523 points)
I haven't done any tests myself yet but I assumed it would be easiest to measure the creature health at the lower waves. Possibly even one shot them. Maybe they were healing some of the damage done which is why you were experiencing some variation?
by (1,589 points)
I made sure to pay attention to healings and I tested about 50 times, I would've noticed something wrong I believe.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,523 points)
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Best answer

The team at TibiaWiki has done some research and determined the formula.

Base HP
Murmillion: 1100
Scissorion: 950
Mearidion: 850
Hoodinion: 800
Domestikion: 750

HP = (Base HP) * (1.039wave)

Source: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Tibiadrome

Research performed by discord user Sprung#0202 and verified by TibiaWiki Admins

by (2,426 points)
Just for the record: the original research was done by a user in our Discord (Sprung#0202), and one of the TibiaWiki admins double checked and confirmed the numbers.
by (5,523 points)
Good to know!
0 votes
by (11 points)
after having participated many times in the tibia drome I have not found any way to know the life of each creature there