+2 votes
After having played Tibia for a very long time and witnessed countless people search for this sword, I noticed something really out of place. No one seems to actually share much about what they have and have not actually tried.
When the sword first appeared there was a decent suggestion that fishing for it in the underground lake below it would be how you get it, but that it was a really rare thing to fish up. This was due tot he large lake and sword appearing at the same time and the lake being under the sword. There was also the large mud/stone fish that was placed on the cave floor in one of the caves. Of course, no one ever fished one up. Fast forward a few years and we have someone hacking the code, telling us it is possible, and someone spilling the beans about how to make it vanish.
My question is, how many people have fished in that lake after making the sword disappear.
Were they the ones that made it disappear? Do we think it might need to be the same person?
Would we need to fish with worms to get it? Is there a certain fishing level that's been attempted?

I've seen people say that the quest is discontinued or dead, or even that it was never possible to begin with.
First, we have solid evidence that it's possible. Someone actually hacked the game and confirmed it's there in the code. We also know that the way to make it disappear (stepping on 1 spot and then another that's far away on the same day) was discovered long after the idea that it was a hoax circulated and that the randomness of how that is setup makes almost anything possible as the solution.
There's also the fact that The sword of fury itself and the caves that are related to making it vanish have not been changed at all, despite almost every other part of rookgaard going through a major redesign. If that fish on the floor was just a dev goofing around, why would they keep it there when they were redesigning the cave spaces. Why haven't they redesigned how the underwater lake looks? We've all seen the new waterfalls and watery affects they have in places like the water elemental caves. And other areas of rookgaard have gotten a huge facelift.

Anyways, I just want to know what people have tried.
Have you fished in that lake after having made the sword vanish?
How long did you fish? How many days did you try this? Were you the one that made it vanish?
What level was your fishing? What level were you?

Has anyone tried this with a level 1 character without letting them level? (Seems pretty humble to me...)

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (495 points)
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Player A makes the sword vanish, player B tries to fish out the sword near the waterfalls - did not work.

Players A and B make the sword vanish, player B tries to fish out the sword near the waterfalls - did not work.

Player C makes the sword vanish and tries to fish out the sword near the waterfalls - did not work (level 100~, fishing 70~).

I don't know the level or fishing skill of players A and B.

It would be illogical for a player on level 1 to be near those waterfalls, because there are monsters on the way. Also illogical that level 1 would have a fishing rod.


If the sword of fury quest was not implemented in the first 6 years of existance of Rookgaard, it means it was not intended to be obtained. Knightmare has stated that not all locations are part of an actual quest (bomdiatibia.com interview). If it existed and got spoiled, the whole mystery would be gone and I highly doubt Knightmare would want that. If all quests were to be solved, there would no no more excitement in trying to figure them out.

Edit: Sword of fury compendium:


I'm not sure it took 6 years for it to come out, that timeline isn't correct and assuming that something added later means it's not accessible makes even less sense.
You mention keeping mystery alive a so people are out there looking but sort of pass this off as impossible, basically attempting to shut down discussion of a possible answer. Seems illogical.

Oh and I have a level 1 at that waterfall right now on Gladera. Got the fishing rod selling bread. Seemed pretty humble and also something people may not have tried in the 20 something years it's been there.

Thanks for your answers though, nice to see that people have been trying. How often did they try though?
The person that hacked tibia said it was really rare that someone would get it, (not difficult, not painstaking, but specifically rare) and with the leviathan amulet on elemental bodies I think we have a good idea of how rare that can be.
by (495 points)
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Hey, author of the question already knew about the leak and spike sword disappearance trigger tiles, so I gave him honest opinion. If some newbie rookstayer is excited about the spike sword I won't burst his bubble and I'll wish him good luck, but if someone like the question author here brings up information from the illegal hack, it means he don't mind quest spoiling.

The hacker who stole the files lied about sword of fury being obtainable, later he told the truth (it was not possible to obtain it) when releasing the whole distribution of the fules.

I did not say that this quest does not exist, I said it was not originally intended to be obtained and it seems extremely unlikely knowing what we know. If anyone could get the spike sword, it would also be obtainable by the people that are not humble, and I don't think Knightmare would allow this. I would write more explanation, but I will publish a full history of sword of fury on r/rookgaard in the upcoming weeks, so you can read more in the document if you're interested.

I'm not sure if it's humble to steal NPC's wheat or flour =P

Edit: I added [SPOILER] in my first post.
"The hacker who stole the files lied about sword of fury being obtainable, later he told the truth (it was not possible to obtain it) when releasing the whole distribution of the fules."

THAT is something I was not aware of, thank you.