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What are the level requirement and equipment to hunt in the new areas of Summer Update 2021 (12.70)?

- Requeriments to hunt in full team?

- And requeriments to hunt in duo (EK+ED)?

The areas:

Antrum of the Fallen

Bounacean Lion

Dwelling of the Forgotten

Forest of Life

Grotto of the Lost

Salt Caves

1 Answer

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by (1,527 points)
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I will separate the respawns mentioned by quest requirements to make the answer more organised. Sources besides my personal experience will be numbered at the end of the post. 

According to TibiaWiki, the level requirement to start the quest is level 80 but the level recommended is 300. Nevertheless, I would not advise you to level up in these respawns if you are under 400. 

The majority of damage that you will get in this respawn is earth, followed by physical and energy. So, it would be a good idea to at least get some earth elemental protection. I would recommend hunting in this spawn as a duo (EK + ED) at level 500+, with prismatic ring. Usually, you will not encounter a great volume of monsters but they deal a good amount of damage. For team hunt, a knight level 400 to 450, preferably wearing earth elemental protection. 

Set Recommended:
Knight:  Terra Helmet, Falcon Plate, Stitched Mutant Hide Legs, Cobra Boots, Lion Shield, Scarab Ocarina, Terra Amulet, Prismatic Ring.

The majority of damage that you will get in this respawn is death, physical and fire. It is advised to get death followed by fire elemental protection (but it is better to use fire protection imbue (which gives 15%) instead of death protection (gives 10%)). As this respawn has a low monster volume, I would say you can safely duo at level 500 and the team hunt around 400 – 450. These monsters have fewer hit points than monsters in Warzone 7 and 9. 

Set Recommended:
Knight:  Falcon Coif, Falcon Plate, Fabulous Legs, Pair of Soulwalkers, Falcon Escutcheon, Sun Catcher,  Rainbow Necklace.

The majority of damage you will get in this respawn is physical, followed by ice and holy. This respawn has a higher monster volume than the previous 2 and they also deal more damage. In my personal opinion, it is not worth it to hunt here in the team because of the experience, but if you would like to hunt there then I would venture with a team of level 500+. For the EK + ED duo, I would not go with less than level 600.

Set Recommended:

Knight: Antler Horn Helmet, Elven Mail or Spiritthorn Armor, Falcon Greaves, Frostflower Boots, Ectoplasmic Shield, Enchanted Turtle or Glacier Amulet, Spiritthorn Ring, Conch Shell Horn.

The level requirement to start this quest part (which will grant you access to both the Bounacean Lion and the Forest of Life) is level 250.

The first time I went to this respawn it was a duo EK + ED, he was level 350 and I was 400 and we had no issues even though he was not wearing elemental protection. This respawn only has Crypt Warriors that are very similar in strength to the Skeleton Elite Warrior, so expect similar damage. If you would like to venture into a team hunt at this level, you could manage well at level 250 with physical damage protection as well as death protection imbuement.

Set Recommended:

Knight: Terra Helmet,Falcon Plate,Falcon Greaves,Cobra Boots,Cobra Amulet,Soulbastion.

If you would like to team hunt in this respawn, I would venture since level 350 with earth protection (I would suggest getting an earth protection imbuement), followed by physical/death protection. For the duo hunt, I would recommend a level above 450.

Set Recommended:

Knight:  Terra Helmet,  Falcon Plate,  Stitched Mutant Hide Legs,  Cobra Boots,  Lion Shield,  Scarab Ocarina,  Terra Amulet,  Prismatic Ring.

There are no level requirements to start this quest, but according to TibiaWiki, level 250 is recommended. You don’t need to finish or even start the quest to access the respawns, however, it is very convenient to have access to the shortcuts to get there faster. 

The monster density in this cave is not too high, but they deal A LOT of damage. If you would like to team hunt here probably you could start from level 400 - 450, but an energy or earth defensive imbue is recommended. For a duo EK + ED level 500 would be safe, just try to deal some damage before you box. Use same set as recommended for Antrum of the Fallen.

I consider this respawn to be safe for team hunt at level 400 (with defensive death or earth imbue) and for duo EK + ED at level 450. 


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3J4bu9CYi4&ab_channel=Kusnier
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVoJo4yPoyE&ab_channel=Kusnier
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UW6hL-tCPPc&ab_channel=Kusnier
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2Z9FtCDeB4&ab_channel=HorobiTibiaGaming
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYww7TEtxxA&ab_channel=Kusnier
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQ6acS-sKEU&ab_channel=Kusnier
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdlSebjaLKU&ab_channel=TibiaPanal
by (1,527 points)
I was only allowed to put set recommendations for Knight as I reached the character count limit hahaha but for Salt Caves, you can use the same set as Antrum of the Fallen. For Ruins of Nuur you can use the same as for Bounacean Lion with some earth protection too.