+4 votes
by (5,746 points)
Shield of Honour.gifShield of Honour
(Def: 33).
It weighs 54.00 oz.
A mighty shield awarded by the gods of Tibia.

Reference: Shield of Honour - Tibia Wiki

This rare item is impossible to get unless you buy from a player. What is the estimated updated price of such valuable rare?

by (17,391 points)
@Flag- Although I see your point about the prices of items being outdated easily we had a discussion about this in the past and these questions were deemed suitable by the Admin if I'm not mistaken in the past. They are helpful for the fansite IMO but can be easily outdated.

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (435 points)
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According to Tibia Bosses table, which I believe is the more updated: Shield of Honour from 280kk to 350kk or 10,6K TC

Rares - pricecheck 3.0

+1 vote
by (17,391 points)
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Please note this is last updated July '22: According to my source TibiaBosses Price Checker, a Shield of Honour is worth 400-550kk Shield of Honour.gifPlease note, that prices change on a daily basis and TC prices vary from world to world.

On Antica's market currently, the price of the last 30 days' buy/sell ranges from 390kk-480kk with a current buy offer of 510kk maximum and absurd sell offers for 630kk minimum.

This item is truly historic however and maybe will continue to increase down the line as it wasn't given out during the 25th Anniversary event.

by (1,669 points)
Thanks for answering this question and bringing it to the top of the list on the home page. Since it obsviously violates the website's guidelines, I've flagged it and it must be closed soon.
by (17,391 points)
I'm sorry, this question is suitable by TibiaQA as discussed in the past. I made a small discussion about this too- https://meta.tibiaqa.com/1642/suggestions-for-the-questions-that-ask-how-much-an-item-costs?show=1642#q1642 If you look under the tag "price" I need to update a lot of my answers already and plan to do that shortly
by (1,669 points)
So the "asking-what-to-avoid" page should be edited to include that short-valid questions such as "What is the CURRENT price of item such-and-such" are valid and people are allowed to ask the same question everyday (which makes no sense to me, but if you're saying this is allowed, who am I to question it).
by (17,391 points)
I would suggest leave the flag anyways and see what Ellotris or other admins think. Rules can always change, and I agree it doesn't make sense since they can easily be outdated but I always wonder what the prices of items are its something that a lot of people probably google too so I'm okay with it but at the same time oh boy lots of things to edit lol
by (1,669 points)
Just have a char on Antica and check its Market. This works for most of the rare items.
by (17,391 points)
Issue with this is there are rare collectors who buy/sell their own items to increase price. And some items can't be sold on market so we don't know price until we check forums, see what other players purchased, etc. But yes definitely check market is the first step