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by (850 points)
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I have been doing some tests to see if I can discover a straight forward method in obtaining the 'His True Face' achievement.

I was doing some tests around the alori mort spell.  One could say this isn't really a traditional spell given it requires no mana to cast and yields no spell activation once spoken.

However, if you combine alori mort twice - alori mortalori mort - this is registered as a spell which exists in game, though one that needs to be learned in order to 'cast'.

I was wondering if there was a way to learn this spell at all? Or is this a staff only spell they use to perhaps trigger the boss room for testing purposes....

~Shady Doctor.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (7,048 points)
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Best answer

This spell is not a spell, it work exactly like the phrases on Oberon.

At the moment there is not trusly spoiler to get the achievement.

I think is random.

The second most know option is the spoiler made by Skyzo but I tested it like seven times and dont work, so IDK if this is true or not.

by (850 points)
Ahh I see. I originally tested other spell words like 'exura granexura gran' in combination which didn't trigger the 'you need to learn this spell' action and thought this meant the 'alori mortalori mort' was a unique spell that could be learned. But it seems you are correct and that the way in which the alori command was designed means you can place any 2 words after alori to trigger the 'you need to learn this spell' action. Thanks for clearing that up. :)

~Shady Doctor.