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Hey folks!

I own a rare version of the Champions Cup signed by CM Rejana.

I'm planning to sell it but honestly i dont know the exact evaluation. Does anyone knows how much this could worth in TC or KKs?

by (5,796 points)
Pictures, details of what is signed and the history of it would be an interest and desirable information for the question. thanks for the question and good luck with your sale!
by (17,406 points)
Also, if you include what type of world and what world it currently resides in.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (234 points)

Hello, you can find a thread posted on all the world forums (after scrolling a LOT), on this posts you will find an avarage price for these kind of items. About the Cup. The last edit on this same post says that the avarage price is around 250KK~ (Edited by Dakudo Bakuna on 21.05.2021 11:40:33). Hopefully this gives a more clear vision about the item.

by (1,534 points)
were good if someone give source about that.
by (5,796 points)
Yes, the link is definitely missing! I would love to check this thread.
by (234 points)
This is the thread I've been using lately for my negotiations, it gives you the fair avarage price of most of the rare items in game, you should keep in mind that these prices are mainly taken from the server Antica:


This one is also providing fair & actual price avarage:
