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by (5,318 points)
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I noticed that sometimes I can see orange messages (not red...) on my screen when I am doing quests etc along with the white ones... When will I get those orange messages?
related to an answer for: What are all RED server log messages?

1 Answer

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by (1,669 points)
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Well, short answer is: You will see orange messages whenever the game developers want you to.

I would classify orange messages into three categories:

  1. Creature sounds: Messages emited by creatures.
  2. Item sounds: Messages emited while using a certain item such as Christmas Card.
  3. Messages triggered by different actions such as using a taming item on a creature.

Orange messages of type 3 may be part of quests or not. Since there are many of them, it would be too time consuming to try to make an exhaustive answer.
