+2 votes
by (4,316 points)
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Hello dear Tibians!

I'd like to know your opinion about rare items (Golden Helmet, Thunder Hammer, Magic Long Sword, Horned Helmet, Winged Helmet, Blessed Shield) own status like protection, skills, speed.

In my opinion those items could have very good status, this would make them more valuables and useful. The weapons could give high skills, Blessed shield could improve your protection to death like 50%. Winged Helmet gives 150+ of speed. Yes I know it would very powerful, but makes me angry a very nice  and rare item used just for decoration rares.

Share your opinion please.

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3 Answers

+2 votes
by (524 points)
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Yes, I think this old rare items could be improved, but no with this attributes, 50% protection death and 150+ speed nah. Make this items with the better stats again, maybe a 5-8% protection and a high imbue slots would be a great.

A lot of old items are being forgotten, in old times everyone knew what is powerful items in same epoc. golden helmet, magic plate armor, dragon scale legs, golden boots, blessed shield, magic long sword were the best items ever.

But in this time have a lot and a lot of updates with new items, hunts are created and all old rpg is being lost.
by (4,316 points)
I agree with u the old RPG are being lost. In my opinion is good to have a large number of differents weapons and armors, but up this icon itens would be very nice to the history of Tibia.
by (524 points)
isn't no only itens, the places and monsters too, today have a lot of lvl 600-700 they never killed one dwarf or troll.
by (16 points)
I feel that the complexity and history of the missions is much simplified, the variety of items is quite extensive and it takes away much value from what already exists (I can only say brightsword). Maybe they should update some missions or items that are practically already forgotten.
0 votes
by (7,046 points)
Is good idea but only if the bonus looks like gnomes or falcon item. It can be TOO much good. Is not totally fair do a super ultra OP item because there are few of this and the price and stats can be interpreted like pay to win.
0 votes
by (8 points)


in my opinion this rare item Sun Mirror could have 

energy prot +5%-7% 
